For most of you, you know that Drake is the star of the show. He deserves that spotlight because he is the best dog ever. His life did not start out well and as in the case of so many accomplished celebrities, he rose through his adversity. After struggling with his behavior for years, the old owners dropped him off at the Animal Shelter in Tortola. He was confined to a cage there getting two little short walks a day for over a year.
After deciding that I had to have a dog to help with my personal loneliness, Al and I ventured to the Animal Shelter with the intent of finding the right dog. We wandered up and down the line of cages with the constant barking so common in shelters. Al had his eyes on one and I immediately saw Drake (who was then called Dallas). We took both of them for a walk and neither really responded as I am sure they both assumed this one of their daily walks in the "prison courtyard." Since I was the boss and the future home, I exercised my authority and picked Dallas. We put him in the backseat of the car, where he proceeded to take a dump, and headed to the car barge that was leaving shortly. Upon arriving at my house, I started to discover some of the behavior problems that the old owners had had with him.
Drake (his now name) had an incurable desire to chase and catch wild chickens. Unfortunately, my home is also the home to many of these cackling creatures. Starting the first night home, Drake started to get whiffs of these chickens and would tear through the house and bust right through the screen door. A few minutes later he would return with feathers in his mouth and a look of satisfaction on his little face. I really didn't mind the weeding out of these chickens as they were a constant annoyance. However, busting through the screen door was really problematic and frustrating. (Now, after a couple years of this, I can replace the screen on a door in less time that a Nascar pit crew takes to change tires on a race car.)
Drake's introduction to Rum Runner was absolutely seamless as he immediately became comfortable with the vagaries of a moving and working boat. Every day as I begin to pack up the supplies for the day's work, Drake gets so excited he is beside himself anxiously waiting to assume his position on the dinghy. He clearly has become the symbol of our Company and his likeness can be found on everything we have from shirts, to cups, to hats, to menus.
He is a pretty good kisser and is most appreciative of those morsels of food that are often given him. Whether you are in the mood for a Rum Runner or not, please feel free to hail us on 72 anytime you are in the North Sound of Virgin Gorda. I will bring Drake over for you to meet him.