Shirt off my back...I mean hat off my head
This week, while making a delivery of Rum Runners, one of the guests asked if our hats were for sale. Of course they are? Isn't everything. They asked if could bring one by on my swing through the Bitter End field. So delivered and then 15 minutes later, they call back again and ask for another. About 15 minutes after that delivery, they called again and asked for yet one more. This went on for some time until they finally exhausted our on-board inventory of 8 hats. Not yet satisfied, they asked for two more. I politely told them we were sold out at which point they said, "Well, how about the one on your head? Doesn't Al also have one he is wearing?" I told them they were sweat stained and used and they did not care. So, Al and I went hatless the rest of the day. We will literally sell you the shirts off our backs of hats off our heads if that is what you want.