Let's face it. Rum Runner is about as entrepreneurial as it could be. This is actually my 5th start up company in 5 completely different industries. So, I love to talk to people about what they do when back home. What do I find? Some of the most interesting concepts that people have started to make their companies successful. Some of these you could guess for a hundred years and never hit the nail. Today was one such conversation. After striking up a conversation with one our customers over a Rum Runner, I asked where they were from and what they do. They are Canadiens and his answer was he insures fish. Okay, no big deal until he said he insured live swimming fish. Whoa. That required a little more conversation. Turns out he lives in an area in Canada where they farm raise Salmon. Well, I guess if you are in that business, you would view those pools of live salmon as inventory and as such you just might want to insure it. However, unlike most inventory that can become obsolete, damaged, or missing, this inventory shortage just floats up belly first. I am always surprised and happy to hear of these types of stories. Please share with me the next time we are with you. Happy New Year to everyone and l sincerely hope 2024 is your best year ever.