Drake and his diet
When I picked Drake up from the animal shelter a little over 2 years ago, he was this scrawny little guy who had been cooped up in a cage for months on end. He weighed in at 18 pounds, had heart worm and was not in great shape. Within a couple months, I took care of the heart worm and fattened him up to 22 pounds. And then we hit the Rum Runner circuit. Most boats want Drake to come aboard and while on board, they will give him treats. Those treats range from a bit of cheese to $50 a pound salami. Sometimes it is a small morsel and other times it is multiple handfuls. Surprisingly, a number of boats actually come with real dog treats that have been brought from their homes. Well the end result of this is Drakie has plumped up to 30 pounds which is about 6-8 pounds more than he should. So, our little Drake has been put on a diet, just like his ole man, much to both of our chagrins. While I can cut down on his home meals, the diet is not going to work as long as our guests continue to ply him with pieces of steak, turkey sandwiches, cheetos (yes cheetos) and all sorts of other treats. Drake really knows how to play to the crowd. He knows where the galley is and knows how to look at you with soft eyes, just begging to be fed a treat. I NEED YOUR HELP. What we have discovered is Drake seems just as content with ice cubes. At least we think he is. So, we love it when you give him a treat, but for a while, please give him ice cubes instead of that $50 a pound salami. Let's get Drake back to his fighting weight.